Second medical opinion within 24 hours

Second medical opinion within 24 hours

Second medical opinion is an additional medical comment from an independent specialist about your health condition. Normally, it implies revalidation of your previous diagnosis and recommendations for further treatment. 

To get a second opinion from a doctor, you will only have to email us the following documents:

  • complete medical record (childhood diseases, allergies, concomitant diseases, etc)
  • treating physician opinion (diagnosis, prescribed treatment, results of medical tests)
  • X-ray, MRI, CT, PET results
  • pathology (paraffin blocks and glass slides). 

Specifically, if you are looking for virotherapy for melanoma, based on your medical documentation, oncologists and immunologists will make a medical comment presenting their opinion and suggest the optimal method of treatment.

In the meantime, feel free to browse our clinics to learn more about treatment options worldwide. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime.