Health check up programs in Israel take up to 3 hours and feature cancer predisposition test
Health screening programs in Israel normally take 2 or 3 hours while test results are available within 72 hours and in some cases on the same day. This is done to save you as a health traveler as much time as possible. Depending on your situation, the diagnostic process may cover anything from blood work and bone density check-up to whole-body CT, MRI, and cancer predisposition tests.
To give you a clue about the costs, expect to pay $1,350 for whole-body CT (computed tomography), $500 for bone scanning, $300 for ultrasound, and $120 for an X-ray.
Health screening in Israel is performed with the use of:
- PET/CT (positron emission tomography/computed tomography) to trace biochemical changes in your body
- MRT (magnetic-resonance imaging) to detect and visualize structural changes inside your body
- mammograph to identify breast cancer at early stages
- 3D TRUS ultrasound to examine colorectal area
- etc.
Most patients from Western Europe, Scandinavia, and the U.S. prefer health screening at Hadassah Hospital (Jerusalem).
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