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4 reasons to benefit from medical tourism in Mexico

Mexico is a country with a rich history and great civilization. Many people wish to try health tourism in Mexico because of ancient medical tradition, high-end specialized medical services, and convenient location for citizens from North America and East Asia.

If you are looking for medical treatment in Mexico, here’s the rundown of reasons why it can be a good idea

  1. In Mexico, a large number of private medical facilities are certified by American associations because the country welcomes dozens of thousands of health travelers from the US, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand who often seek double assurance in their choice of health destination. Together with Mexico, they often browse medical tourism in Latvia especially when it comes to Rigvir success, a cancer-killing virotherapy. 
  2. In order to compete effectively with the U.S. health care facilities, well-organized and professionally equipped medical centers with highly qualified English-speaking medical staff are located nearby the US border (Monterrey, Tijuana) and are ready to provide specialized services to their patients.
  3. In Mexican clinics, medical services are much cheaper (sometimes twice as low as in the U.S. or Canada) while patients stay in private rooms and have unlimited communication with their doctors or surgeons. Affordable prices make it very similar to undergoing treatment in Poland while high-tech equipment and total privacy resemble medical care in Singapore.
  4. In early 2015 in Mexico, 9 medical institutions were accredited by JCI - the most authoritative organization in standardizing medical services according to international standards.