
21 Sep 2023

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Dendritic Cell Vaccine for Cancer Treatment - Multilingual Resources

If you're seeking information about dendritic cell vaccine (DCV) as a potential treatment for cancer, you're in the right place. We've compiled a collection of articles in various languages to help you access valuable insights about this innovative approach to cancer therapy.

Languages Available:

Each of the provided links will take you to an article in the respective language with information about dendritic cell vaccine therapy for cancer treatment. Explore these resources to gain valuable insights into this innovative approach.

Stay informed about the latest advancements in cancer treatment and discover how dendritic cell vaccines are making a difference in the fight against cancer.

Cancer Types Treatable with Dendritic Cell Vaccine

Clinical trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of dendritic cell vaccines in treating various cancer types, including glioblastoma, myeloma, melanoma, breast cancer, and more.

Notably, the response rates vary by cancer type, with an average response rate of 10–15%. Combining dendritic cell therapy with chemotherapy has shown promising results, increasing one-year survival rates for colorectal carcinoma from 58.1% to 76.5%.

Fortunately, most patients report minimal or no side effects, with only a minority experiencing temporary, slight increases in body temperature.

Scientific evidence also suggests that DCV can reduce the aggressiveness of cancer.

Dendritic Cell Therapy as the Fourth Line of Cancer Treatment

When conventional cancer treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy show limited effectiveness, dendritic cell therapy often serves as the fourth line of defense against cancer.

Enhancing Survival Rates through Combination Therapies

Combining dendritic cell vaccines with conventional cancer treatments can significantly improve survival rates. This approach creates a synergistic effect, allowing the immune system to strengthen its response.

Following tumor removal or radiation therapy, dendritic cell injections can help eliminate remaining cancer cells.

10-Day Treatment in a Latvian Clinic

While dendritic cell vaccine is not a panacea, understanding your treatment options increases your chances of recovery. The treatment process typically takes 10 to 20 days and involves the following steps:

  1. Medical professionals collect blood and cancer cell samples upon your arrival at the clinic.
  2. Stem cells are extracted from your blood and programmed to detect your specific cancer cells.
  3. A personalized dendritic cancer vaccine is created to target your unique cancer cells.
  4. You receive injections that activate your immune system to fight cancer cells.

Prior to your arrival, you will need to provide several medical tests, including HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis screenings, as well as a general blood test.

Upon submission of your medical files, a team of three oncologists typically evaluates your case within 2–3 working days.

Treatment Cost Estimates and Follow-Up Care

If qualified for dendritic cell treatment, you will receive comprehensive care, including:

  • Complete blood tests and immunological testing.
  • Consultations with oncologists, immunologists, and specialists.
  • An individualized nutrition plan.
  • 4 injections of the vaccine.
  • 1-month storage in the proper conditions.

These services typically cost around €14,000 ($15,500), including one-year doctors' follow-up care, which varies based on the number of vaccines produced. Remote follow-up care is also provided to maintain results achieved during treatment.