  • orthopedics nordwest germany.jpg

    Hip, knee and spine surgery by Prof.MD C.Rangger at Nordwest Hospital (Germany)

  • orthopedics orthomed operation room austria.jpg

    Dr. Kiss & Dr. Drekonja at Orthomed Plus (Austria) solve any orthopedic problem

  • orthopedics teknon spain.jpg

    Percutaneous foot surgery and kyphoplasty at Teknon Medical Center (Spain)

  • orthopedics fonix hungary

    At Fonix Medical Resort (Hungary) hip/knee surgery with recovery lasts 20 days

  • orthopedics hadassah israel

    Orthopaedic patients leave Hadassah Hospital (Israel) after 90 degree knee bend

  • orthopedics ecz poland

    High-end endoprosthesis and spinal cord injury treatment at ECZ Otwock (Poland)

  • orthopedics acibadem turkey

    Bone lengthening, muscle cancer care, and spine surgery at Acibadem Hospital in Turkey

  • orthopedics kardiolita lithuania

    Foot surgery and endoprosthesis by Zimmer and Biomet at Kardiolita (Lithuania)

Orthopedics in Austria

Orthopedic treatment in Austria implies the use of grafts to replace non-working hips, knees, elbows or joints based on individual requirements. Orthopedic surgeons treat ligament and meniscus injuries by means of arthroscopic operations. To cure degenerative disc disease or compressive spine fractures, doctors apply vertebroplasty.

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