  • orthopedics nordwest germany.jpg

    Hip, knee and spine surgery by Prof.MD C.Rangger at Nordwest Hospital (Germany)

  • orthopedics orthomed operation room austria.jpg

    Dr. Kiss & Dr. Drekonja at Orthomed Plus (Austria) solve any orthopedic problem

  • orthopedics teknon spain.jpg

    Percutaneous foot surgery and kyphoplasty at Teknon Medical Center (Spain)

  • orthopedics fonix hungary

    At Fonix Medical Resort (Hungary) hip/knee surgery with recovery lasts 20 days

  • orthopedics hadassah israel

    Orthopaedic patients leave Hadassah Hospital (Israel) after 90 degree knee bend

  • orthopedics ecz poland

    High-end endoprosthesis and spinal cord injury treatment at ECZ Otwock (Poland)

  • orthopedics acibadem turkey

    Bone lengthening, muscle cancer care, and spine surgery at Acibadem Hospital in Turkey

  • orthopedics kardiolita lithuania

    Foot surgery and endoprosthesis by Zimmer and Biomet at Kardiolita (Lithuania)

Hip and knee replacement in Israel: patient-friendly climate and top-notch equipment

Orthopedics in Israel boasts a significant number of highly professional orthopedic surgeons with years of experience. The surgical excellence of local teams allows for sophisticated minimally invasive procedures, limb-sparing surgery, joint replacement, bone cancer treatment, pediatric spine therapy, etc. They work hand-in-hand with rehabilitation department specialists to enhance treatment results.

On top of that, Israeli climate contributes greatly to quicker recovery and healthy functioning of the entire body. 

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