
5 Aug 2019

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Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment In Germany For Overseas Patients: What Cancers Treated & Costs

Hyperthermia Is Non-Surgical, Painless Therapy With No Side Effects

Sometimes standard protocols/treatments alone can not stop tumor growth.

Heat therapy can produce remarkable success, in our experience based on about 300 cancer patient results.

If you or someone you love have been diagnosed with cancer, you may want to know more about the gentle alternatives to chemo and radio.

Heat treatment for cancer (also known as oncothermia treatment) may be one of them. It is considered to be the fourth method to treat cancer alongside with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Researchers believe the right level and length of heat damages 99% of all cancer strains

Thermotherapy is a medical treatment during which the malignant cells are exposed to high temperatures. This makes hyperthermia one of the most effective natural cancer treatments available.

Cancer cells need oxygen and nutrients to survive, the sudden localized heat prevents them from getting what they need to grow and multiply

Hyperthermia therapy overheats the tumor tissue from the outside; the heat does not damage healthy cells.

About 300 hyperthermia procedures has shown that when applied before and after surgery, it boosts the recovery process and decreases the chances of metastases to appear.

Local Thermotherapy Can Fight Melanomas, Breast, Prostate & 23 Other Cancers Based on 20,000 Scientific Articles Published

Heat Therapy can be successful when treating both surface and deep tumors.

Surface tumors

  • Melanomas
  • Utaneous metastases
  • Lymph nodes
  • etc.

Deep tumors

  • Sarcomas
  • Breast
  • Stomach
  • Bladder
  • Head – Neck
  • Prostate
  • etc.

Side Effects Of Hyperthermia: Sweating, Skin Reddening

This therapy is generally extremely well tolerated while being an intensive treatment form.

No significant side-effects occur, even in combination with other treatments. Sweating, skin reddening, slight increase of body temperature can be observed.

The heat is in any event restricted, and is only applied directly on the tissue or organ affected by the tumour.

The process is regulated by means of control electronics and is subject to permanent control to prevent the occurrence of heat damage.

The patient is placed on a water bed during treatment. The heating process takes place using electromagnetic waves for approximately 60 minutes at the intended temperature.

Hyperthermia Combined With Tumor-Suppressive Therapies & Radiotherapy Proved To be Even More Effective

This is also true for cases when it is combined with other anticancer treatments. 

Thermotherapy can be combined with tumor-suppressive therapies such as Buserelin (Suprefact®) in most cases demonstrating better results - the growth of the tumor slows down while tumor markers significantly drop.

This is especially true for hormone-sensitive tumors, for example, prostate and breast cancer.

To Get Hyperthermia in Germany, You Need To Fly to Munich

The clinic has treated about 2480 patients since 2000.

The integrative cancer clinic offering thermotherapy is located in 1-hour drive from Munich Airport in Germany.

The patient coordinator arranges the airport transfer directly to the clinic.

Depending on where you plan to depart, here’s an approximate flight duration for direct flights:

  • London to Munich - 2 hours
  • Stockholm to Munich - 2 hours
  • Toronto to Munich - 8 hours
  • Quebec to Munich - 8 hours
  • New York to Munich - 8 hours
  • Washington D.C. to Munich - 10 hours



Prices For Treatment Start at €3,000 & Can Go Up To €6,500. It All Depends On Your Case

Based on your screening outcomes and medical reports you submit, they can recommend local thermotherapy. The doctors will keep a close eye on your health condition and adjust the therapies based on how well your body responses to the procedures.

After your treatment period comes to an end, the medical team will decide which therapies you benefit most from and make clear follow-up recommendations.

Once you get home, the clinicians will stay in touch with you to answer your questions. 

Before traveling to Germany for thermotherapy, you may choose either inpatient or outpatient program.

The cost for your inpatient stay including accommodation, meals, doctor’s fees, thermotherapy, medications, applications etc. is about €5.500 - 6.000 ($6.100 - 6.600) per week.

Many patients prefer to be accompanied by a family member or a friend. If you are one of them and would like to share a room with someone you trust, the clinic will charge an additional €95 ($105) per day including meals.  

If you choose the outpatient program, it will cost you around €3.000-3.500 ($3.300-3.900) per week.

It Is possible For Your Insurance Company To Cover Your Treatment

Accommodation, care and treatments in our clinic are generally fully covered by all private medical insurances.

Statutory insurance companies including private medical insurances may however not cover the costs, although in our experience this is not precluded.

It is therefore important to insist on a decision per individual case, with the support of your general practitioner and medical specialists. We will gladly assist in this matter by means of providing attestations and expert reports.

In any event, we recommend that you inform your medical insurance in time prior to your initial treatment and all subsequent treatments at our clinic, irrespective of whether you are insured privately, optionally or compulsorily.

How to Apply For Cancer Treatment With Heat

  • Fill in the form on the right or in the bottom of the article.

Please double check the correctness of your email and phone number as they are necessary for the medical team to get in touch with you.

  • Wait for our confirmation email usually within the next few hours and for the doctor’s email within the next 24-48 hours.

From now on you will communicate directly with the doctor so check your junk folder regularly to make sure you get his emails with important information. 

  • The doctor will be asking you to provide your medical records to assess your case and offer the treatment program catered to your health needs.

Therefore, make sure to have as many medical files as possible at hand, i.e. biopsy report, blood test, CT/PET/MRI, etc.