
10 Aug 2017

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Rigvir® Cancer Treatment: Overview, Mode of Action, and Application Process

One of the recipes to fight cancer is to approach virotherapy, which is mainly based on an oncolytic nonpathogenic virus ECHO-7. The drug was discovered in 1950–60s in Riga, Latvia and became known as Rigvir®.

How Rigvir Cancer Treatment Works: Painless Intramuscular Injections With Fever As The Only Possible Side Effect

Since its invention, numerous clinical tests have been conducted showing that Rigvir® is able to destroy certain cancer cells. Melanoma patients were the first ones to benefit from the treatment. On top of that, over the years research on Rigvir® has also demonstrated its capacity to fight cancer effectively:

Rigvir® is stored in vials in cold environments. After the drug gets injected into the muscle, it then quickly identifies cancer cells, penetrates into them, and destroys them from the inside. Unlike other types of treatment, virotherapy doesn’t affect healthy cells that surround the tumor. A slight increase in body temperature lasting up to 3 days has been registered as the only side effect of Rigvir® so far.

You can also watch the video to visualize how Rigvir for cancer treatment takes place:

Why You Should Visit Latvia For Rigvir Cancer Therapy And What Documents You Have To Provide To Have Your Case Evaluated By Experienced Team Remotely Within 3 Working Days And At No Charge

Before we answer the question “Where can I get Rigvir® if I live in Australia/New Zealand/South Africa or elsewhere?”, we have to cover the registration issue. There are only 3 countries in the world that have officially recognized Rigvir® as being an effective drug against cancer: Latvia (2004), Georgia (2015), and Armenia (2016). Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean you can’t have it legally in other countries.

There’re number of reasons to visit Latvia to treat cancer:

  1. The specialists there have managed to treat more than 3,000 cancer patients over the last 15 years. Of course, they’ve seen a log of different cases and know how to deal with cancer at all stages.
  2. They provide free case evaluation within 48–72 hours. Time is of the greatest value when you have cancer, and the doctors there understand it. They don’t want to waste your time, that’s why before coming to Latvia, you’ll be asked to provide several medical records for the team to review them and give you the feedback — if you’re eligible for Rigvir® or not.
  3. The clinic in Latvia (European Union) is really eager to help you by applying holistic approach towards your treatment. In addition to Rigvir®, you can be offered dendritic cell vaccination, CIK-injections and other therapies. If some of them sound unfamiliar, no need to Google it as we’ll tell in you detail what these therapies do later in this article.
  4. The price of the treatment really matters. In Latvia, 7-day treatment starts from 6,000 EUR (6,000 USD), including accommodation and nutrition.

To perform the assessment of your health condition the medical team from ny will request the following medical documents:

  • Recent full blood count (maximum standing of 2 weeks) with White Blood Cells (WBC) indicated
  • Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – some radiological documents
  • Histopathological and cytological records
  • Epicrisis
  • Biochemical analyses for creatinine, alanine transferase (ALT).

Normally, the evaluation process of cancer cases takes up to three business days after which the patient coordinator informs you whether you qualify for Rigvir® therapy and provides further step-by-step instructions.

To have your case evaluated, please, press the button and fill in the form. Double-check your contact details for our team to reach you as soon as the results are ready.

7 Days In Latvia To Treat Cancer Include Rigvir® Injections, Airport Transfers, Patient Care Available 24/7, Accommodation, Nutrition And Complex Body Treatment

A treatment program lasts one week, beginning on your arrival to Latvia. The English-speaking driver meets you at the International Airport and transfers to the clinic. There you’ll be tested whether you are allergic to Rigvir®. The treatment process starts with non-stop engagement of oncologist, immunologist, and other medical and administrative personnel. The package includes:

  • Daily consultations with you oncologist
  • Rigvir® injections
  • 24/7 support by medical and administrative personnel
  • Personalized nutrition plan, including organic food and vegetarian diet if you don’t eat meat
  • Comfortable accommodation, Wi-Fi facilities and so on.
  • Several sessions with acupuncture specialist, physiotherapist, etc.
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As mentioned before, the clinic in Latvia recommends to combine Rigvir with other treatment methods to achieve better results. Of course, you’ll be recommended to have some of the therapies only after the doctor’s examination, but even now you can get to know which of them the clinic provides.

Radiosurgery is performed with a device called CyberKnife®: it is non-invasive and after scanning your organism helps to find the tumours, metastases and deactivate them.

CIK (cytokine-induced killer) cells therapy is based on a molecule of cytokine, that roams from one cell to another awakening them to fight the disease.

Dendritic cell therapy engages your stem cells to fight against cancer in your body — primarily, a small amount of these cells is taken from your organism and then they are programmed to detect malignancies and direct protective forces against them.

Targeted radionuclide therapy somehow reminds radiotherapy, but the first one affects only malignant cells leaving the healthy tissues around untouched.

Detoxification is a process of cleaning your organism from harmful elements. The basis of it is healthy food with high content of vitamins and minerals, as well as specific physical activity.

If you want to know more about the therapies, click the red button. Our manager will get to you within 24 hours to answer the arising questions.

The package starts from 6,000 EUR (6,000 USD), and the price depends on the number of therapies included. After completing the package at the end of the week, you will receive recommendations on how to maintain the Rigvir results, nutrition plan, etc.

If you would like to find out whether you or the one your love qualifies for Rigvir® therapy, please fill in the form on the right (available in desktop version) or press the button below.