
1 Aug 2019

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Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer. No Surgeries. No Radiation. No Hair Loss. Minimum Side Effect Risks.

If you are wondering if hormone therapy is good for prostate cancer treatment or if they remove your prostate for prostate cancer treatment purposes, you found the right place.

Every week we get emails from cancer patients living in the UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, and Europe interested in hormone treatment for prostate cancer. They all look pretty much the same:

“My husband has prostate cancer stage 3 but has not started chemotherapy yet. Does not want to do radiation either. Gleason score 4+3=7, no perineural invasion or extraprostatic extension identified, ISUP grade 3. We are interested in getting hormone treatment for his prostate cancer.”  

“I have prostate carcinoma. I had major surgery in 2017 but unfortunately it came back. My PSA level is 20 ng/ml. I heard about hormone therapy for prostate cancer but not sure if it'll help. I'm afraid.”

Here you’ll find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about hormone prostate cancer treatment, Busereline (Suprefact@) and the cancer clinic in Germany it offers.

Buserelin (Suprefact@) Therapy In Germany

Is Buserelin hormone treatment able to cure my type of prostate cancer? 

Yes, Buserelin hormone treatment fights hormone-sensitive conditions such as prostate cancer (prostate carcinomas III and IV). 

How Buserelin hormone therapy for prostate cancer works?

Buserelin also known as Suprefact® is a prescription only drug that was patented in 1974 and became available to the general audience in 1985. In cancer cases, Buserelin is normally administered as a subcutaneous (under the skin) injection.  

To multiply, cancer cells need hormone environment. To prevent malignant cells from conquering your body, once injected Buserelin travels in your bloodstream blocking the production of reproductive hormones such as testosterone. Also, Buserelin attacks cancer cells themselves by blocking their receptors when they are ready to multiply. The medication targets both initial tumor (primary site of origin where the cancer started) and metastases (tumors in other parts of the body where the initial tumor has spread).  

As with many other anticancer medications, the cells of malignant tumors can get used to the drug and demonstrate lower levels of sensitivity. For this reason, Buserelin prostate cancer treatment should sometimes be interrupted and then resumed in a few months. Importantly, during the period when Buserelin is not administered the active ingredient stays in the body preventing the growth of the tumor. 

What are the side effects of Buserelin (Suprefact®) for oncology therapy? 

The use of Buserelin (Suprefact®) may lead to sweating, vomiting, sleep disorder, fatigue, bone pain, heat waves, and low libido due to sex hormone suppression. However, once the drug is no more administered the hormone level returns to its balance normalizing the sex drive. 

Buserelin was found to be safe in cases of overdose.

What treatments Buserelin hormone therapy can be combined with?

Busereline hormone therapy can be combined with other treatments. It shows positive effect along with local hyperthermia (medical procedure in which a tumor and its surrounding tissues are exposed to high temperatures to kill cancer cells). Immunotherapy including thymus peptide injections, mistletoe therapy, oxygen therapy, magnetic field therapy, highly measured selenium and vitamin C injections are normally combined with Buserelin. 

Tell me more about your clinic.

The clinic offering prostate carcinoma treatment with hormone therapy is located near Munich, Germany. It specializes in combining latest naturopathic therapies, conventional therapies, and tumor suppressive therapy. The medical team approaches cancer not just as a multiplication of malignant cells but rather as an outcome of the lost balance between a person and his/her life, as a condition of his/her entire body. 

Hormone treatment for prostate cancer in Germany

Specifically, for diagnostic procedures of hormone treatment for prostate cancer the medical team applies tactile examination, PSA screening test (prostate-specific antigen), and imaging. It doesn’t carry out the biopsy to prevent the risk of tons of cancer cells enter the bloodstream. Prostate cancer patients are usually offered a gentle non-surgical treatment described above. Normally, within a few weeks of the holistic approach the nodes become less palpable while a dramatic drop can be observed in PSA (prostate-specific antigen) measures.

If you decide to attend the clinic for hormone injection cancer treatment (see how to apply at the end of the article), the patient care team member will pick you up at the Munich Airport to bring you directly to the clinic.

Most patients attending the clinic say it has a hospital-free atmosphere and feels like home. 

Hormone injections for prostate cancer and everyday meal

How long does the hormone injection prostate cancer treatment last and what are the cost estimates?

For prostate carcinoma patients, a three-week treatment is recommended during which Buserelin therapy, local hyperthermia, thymus peptide injections, mistletoe therapy, oxygen therapy, magnetic field therapy, highly measured selenium and vitamin C injections will be carried out. The medical team will track your condition on a regular basis and decide which therapies you should continue with at home. The doctor will stay in touch with you after you return to your home country. 

The clinic offers inpatient and outpatient programs. The cost for your room, catering, doctor’s fees, local hyperthermia, drugs, applications etc. amount to approximately €5.500 - 6.000 ($6.100 - 6.600) per week. If you’d like your companion to share a room with you, it will cost an additional €95 ($105) per day including meals.  

The outpatient treatment costs around 3.000-3.500 ($3.300-3.900) per week including doctor’s fees, local hyperthermia, drugs, applications etc. 

How to Apply for Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer in Germany?

To get started with hormone injections for prostate cancer, please follow the next steps:

  1. Fill in the form on the right including your name, country of residence, contact details, and message.
  2. Wait for the confirmation email that should normally reach you within a few hours. Remember to CHECK YOUR JUNK FOLDER regularly to make sure you receive the important details about your condition in a timely manner.
  3. After the confirmation email, wait for the doctor’s response within 24-48 hours or on Monday if you sent you emailed us on the weekend. 
  4. While waiting for the doctor’s email, collect your medical reports as they will be required to assess your case and customize your treatment to match your health needs. The list of papers normally includes your

          - histopathology report (also called biopsy or pathology report)
          - blood test
          - current therapies and medication
          - medical history
          - MRI, PET, CT scans, etc.

    5. The doctor will get back to you in 24-48 hours asking for your medical information and offering treatment options. Ask as many questions as you feel is right to make a carefully weighed decision.